Custom Bars for Homes and Offices

Custom Bars for Homes and Offices

If you’re an entertainer and a creator, researching some of the custom bars for homes and offices is a great source of inspiration.  Analyzing factors like usage, budget, and style will help make some of the important decisions.  A custom built bar can impress even the most seasoned cocktail veteran.  A little ingenuity and a bit of hard work can produce a one-of-a-kind piece.  Let’s examine the areas to consider before setting off.

Usage for your Custom Bar

There are two things to consider when it comes to your bar’s usage.  First, will it be built for your home or in your office or another setting.  And second, how many people do you plan to serve.  The first question will determine your build space, considerations you’ll need to take towards others, and possibly the security of your materials.  Yes, a home bar build should work around your roommates or significant other.  But it’s much more likely you’ll interfere with coworkers in an office setting.  In this case, make sure you have the space required to build components and work on your bar, remembering that the build space will likely be multiple times bigger than the bar itself.  Also consider noise pollution from any tools you’ll be using.  And lastly think about security.  Will you be able to store tools and materials safely when you’re not there.

custom bars for homes construction

The second question – how many people do you plan to serve – will help determine size and quantity of materials.  A two person bar for you and your spouse at home has very different requirements from an office bar designed to serve a dozen employees.  If you’re building for an audience, how many people will be sitting at the bar at once?  And for liquor storage, how much variety do you plan to keep?  This will determine bar space, as well as storage space for liquors, bitters, and accessories.  Once you have a feeling for these two areas it’s time to move on.

Budget for your Custom Bar

The budget for custom bars for homes and offices will vary greatly depending on how many people are involved, and if it’s self-sponsored or has additional corporate assistance.  If you are working alone, creativity and resourcefulness will be key.  Fortunately there are a ton of user creations online, many of which include step-by-step assembly instructions.  One important lesson shared throughout is to work with what you have.  If you have access to scrap metal or bulk wood, use it to your advantage.  Always remember paint and varnish go a long way to dress up an otherwise unappealing base material.

custom bars for homes home

If budget is less of a concern, you should be less influenced by the materials available, and more free to design without constraints.  In both cases keep size and basic layout in mind.  A bar that serves six people in a 100 square foot space will have to be far more efficient than one that serves six people in 500 square feet.  The strength and characteristics of your materials will need to fit these needs, and typically stronger and sleeker means more expensive as well.

Style for your Custom Bar

Once you have confirmed the size, location and budget of your project, you can start to plan out how that factors into your design preferences.  If you’ve been limited by one or more of these factors, then the space or material might lead you down one path.  In general, there are many affordable approaches to personalizing your custom bar.  Beyond paint and varnishes are engravings, accomplished using the same laser cutting used to create SirMixABot’s enclosure.  Again, play to the skills and resources you have available.  If you have a steady hand, consider pin-striping your counter top.  If you’re an expert welder, make your own steel frame for your liquor and glasses.

Whatever your final product may look like, you should feel good following your passion, and putting your mark on a truly one-of-a-kind bar.  SirMixABot is an automated bar brought together in a creative and attractive hands-on package.  We encourage users to put their own mark both on the cocktails created and the design and performance of the bar.  From custom recipes to extra features, we’re open to adding to and refining our product, all in the name of a better, more entertaining drink mixing experience.